Coming soon: Soup for Good, a book of recipes and stories from our community. Release date October 2024.
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What our clients say

Our clients leave our kitchen feeling hugely positive about the fun they’ve had, the connections they’ve (re)built and the sense of purpose they’ve achieved. How do we know? Because they make a point of telling us.

Here are just a few of the wonderful things our clients have said about us this year.

Such an amazing way to spend a day and with a purpose, one of the best events I have done and will be doing again in the future. The team are incredible, and you can see the level of passion they have in what they are doing. I’ve been coming into London for over 25 years and like many commuters never really think about the community around us. It’s made me reassess in how we should be more involved in what is around us and how we can make a positive impact with the community.
Last week we took a team to Cook for Good as part of a wider corporate initiative to give back to the community and do some team bonding away from the office. It exceeded all expectations.
Like all great ideas it’s a simple concept; its brilliance lies in its execution and the enthusiasm and warmth of the people who run it. The basic premise is that you all cook a delicious meal in a professional kitchen and at the end you all sit down and eat it together. The additional food goes to the community pantry and the cost of the event goes back into the project.
It is so much fun, just the right side of challenging, so you really do have to pull together as a team, but supported enough so that you can giggle your way through. The food is delicious and there is something about cooking for each other and sharing a meal that builds connection. Everyone had a wonderful time.
We were lucky enough to have a few people also work in the Pantry, and here you get to see the project’s heart. The attention to detail and the bright energetic volunteers make it a lovely place to be, not just a place to get assistance. I would say it’s the kind of place that reminds you of the best parts of being human.
If you're looking for an unforgettable culinary adventure that strengthens your team and gives back to the community, Cook for Good is an absolute must. Prepare to be inspired, delighted, and moved by the incredible spirit of this project. You won't be disappointed!
Curtis Brown
Today was just brilliant as I joined with colleagues to prep, cook, and prepare almost 200 meals for vulnerable residents on the estate and other Islington residents. It was such fun and hearing from volunteers was so inspiring as they have so much lived experience! This place has changed so many people’s lives and making a massive difference. If you want to book a corporate volunteering event, it’s a day never to forget; honestly, it was the most rewarding teambuilding day for us all. Highly recommend.
Wates Group
Anyone who knows me, knows that I love the work that I do. Yet there are days that really stand out as something very special. Yesterday I was with an exec team at a team building event run by Cook for Good. Whilst the objective was to ‘build memories’, ‘deepen relationships’ and explore ‘ways of working’, the day was so much more.
We not only cooked a meal for us to enjoy – in what has to be the best private dining experience in London, sharing food that we had cooked and the joy and pride of knowing the effort and love that had gone into preparing it. But we were also able to contribute something beyond our own dinner. We cooked an additional 50 meals that would be shared with the community at the local shelter, and 80 portions of soup that would be served in the drop in centre at the heart of the estate.
To be around the Cook for Good team was to be inspired by what is possible when people get together committed to making a difference to the world.
Human Dynamics in Action