Come and enjoy a meal with your friends and neighbours
We know how important it is to create opportunities for communities to come together, so we regularly put on a lunch or dinner for around 50 local residents.
These community meals are either free or very low cost, with vegetarian options available. They’re a great way to catch up with friends and neighbours, and meet some new ones too.
Get on our invite listHere’s how our community meals work
Register for our invite list
Use the form below to let us know you’re interested. Once we have a meal in the diary, we'll contact everyone on our invite list, and will allocate places in a fair way.
Leave the food to us
Your meal will either be cooked by a group of clients during a teambuilding event, or by our chef and a team of volunteers. Either way, we can promise it’ll be delicious.
Grab a seat and start a chat
You can sit with your friends or relatives, or choose a seat next to someone you don’t know yet. It’s up to you.
Enjoy your meal together
Our team will serve you with a starter, main and dessert, all freshly cooked on the day. There’s often enough for seconds.
Skip the clearing up
We’ll make sure the clearing and washing up is taken care of, so you won’t have anything to do but eat, chat and relax.
Let us know what you think
We’re always keen to get feedback about our community events, so do share your thoughts on the day, or drop us an email.
Get on our invite list
If you live in the Kings Cross area, and are interested in joining us for cooking classes and / or community meals, please sign up here. We’ll email you when we’re putting on a new class or meal, and ask you to register your interest in coming along.
What happens next?
Look out for an email letting you know that we've got a community meal planned, and register your interest in coming along. We'll allocate some initial places to people who haven't attended many of these events, and the rest in the order that people registered their interest.